Fortify your skin's barrier function and help dry skin from 1st use with Vaseline's Expert Care™ moisturising range.
Dry and irritated skin can be tough to deal with. Vaseline® understands this, and has used over a century's worth of expertise to create a range of Expert Care™ moisturisers to strengthen the skin and tackle the symptoms of dryness from first use.
Vaseline® believes that managing dry skin should never be a chore. That's why Expert Care™ moisturisers are rich yet fast-absorbing. Blended with micro-droplets of Vaseline® Jelly, each formulation helps seals in moisture to help restore the skin and reduce moisture loss.
With over 150 years of caring for your skin, Vaseline® knows a thing or two about skin care. Read on for all the best tips and advice on how to restore your unique skin.