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Aloe vera is full of goodness that's great for skincare.
Aloe vera is an ingredient which has been used to soften and heal skin for thousands of years. But, how many of us actually know what aloe vera is, and why it can be so beneficial for our skin?
Aloe vera is a cactus-like plant with thick, fleshy leaves. These leaves produce a gel long known to be a traditional folk remedy for a range of conditions. Aloe is well known for soothing skin, and believed to contain powerful healing properties. Find out more about aloe and skin with our informative guide on the uses of aloe.
- Benefits of Aloe Vera for Flaky Skin
Aloe vera has long been used as a home ready to deal with dry flaky skin. It’s believed to have soothing properties to restore smooth supple skin and studies have shown that moisturizers containing aloe vera extract may be effective at improving skin hydration.
- Aloe Vera Benefits for Sunburned Skin
Aloe vera is believed to be great for soothing pain and discomfort caused by sunburn. Some studies have found that aloe reduces UV-induced erythema – the lobster-red rash that pops up when you’ve been in the sun too long – helping to keep your skin looking great and feeling healthy all summer long. Always wear a sunscreen when the sun’s shining to avoid sun damage. Want to know more about relieving sunburn? Read our article on how to soothe sunburn.
- Aloe Vera for Skin That’s Dull and Tired
Although aloe vera gel looks simple – it’s just a clear jelly – it’s actually very complex. It’s made up of enzymes, minerals, acids, and plenty of vitamins. Aloe vera contains Vitamin E, and C, both powerful antioxidants, thought to have an anti-ageing effect on skin.
- Using Aloe Vera on Skin That’s Burned
Studies have found that aloe vera may reduce the healing time of minor burns. Vaseline® Jelly can be used to aid home remedies like aloe by locking in moisture and protecting skin during recovery. Even when used on its own, Vaseline® Jelly creates an extra layer of protection, preventing moisture from escaping and helping aid your skin’s natural recovery process.Using aloe vera regularly is believed to help your skin look and feel healthier.
Try incorporating it into your daily skin care regime, along with other complementary skin care products like Vaseline® Jelly that lock in moisture and keep your skin protected. If you’re looking for more advice on how to keep your skin soft, beautiful, and healthy-looking check out the skin health section for tips on how to deal with dry patches and how to get rid of chapped lips, plus much more.
Expert Advice
The advice in this article does not constitute medical advice, it is solely available for information purposes.